ASPIRE-MWI Kickoff Symposium at Tohoku University

We are very excited to announce that we are organizing another kickoff symposium on 21th March, 2025, at Tohoku University! We have all Japan and international principal investigators together in this symposium, and discuss how we envision Mental Well-being Intelligence research. We also have poster presentations by young researchers and students that stimulate your perspective.

The symposium is in a hybrid format for some parts of the program. The seats for in-person attendance is limited, and we may close it early. So please sign up early if you want to join us in person!

本ASPIREプログラムのキックオフシンポジウムを2025年3月21日に東北大学におきましても開催いたします!このシンポジウムでは,日本・海外の全PIが一堂に会し,Mental Well-being Intelligence研究に関するビジョンを議論します.また,若手研究者・学生さんによるポスタープレゼンテーションを通じて具体的な研究プロジェクトの議論を行う予定です.



In-person / 対面

We hold the symposium in RIEC Campus at Tohoku University. The location is the large conference room on the 6th floor in Research Institute of Electrical Communication Main bldg. You will receive the details after completing your registration. Due to the space limit, we may close the in-person registration early in case we have a larger number of registrations than expected. So please register as early as possible!

本シンポジウムは東北大学電気通信研究所で開催されます.会場は,東北大学 電気通信研究所 本館6階大会議室です.登録完了後に詳細情報をお送りします.会場の収容人数に限りがあるため,想定以上の登録数に達した場合,対面参加の登録を早期に締め切る可能性があります.お早めのご登録をお願いいたします!

Online / オンライン

We live-stream the opening remarks and PI talks and panels via Zoom. You may receive the details of how you watch the live-stream after your registration.



12:30Registration desk open / 受付開始
13:00 – 13:05Welcome remarks / 歓迎のご挨拶
13:05 –
Speaker: Koji Yatani
Moderator: Yoshifumi Kitamura
講演者: 矢谷浩司
13:10 – 15:10PI Talks and Panel #1
Panelists: Koji Yatani, Mari Hirano, Tanzeem Choudhury, Tongliang Liu and Simo Hosio
Moderator: Naomi Yamashita
パネリスト:矢谷浩司,平野真理,タンジーム チョウドリー,トンリャン リウ,シモ ホシオ
15:10 – 15:40Coffee break
15:40 – 17:00PI Talks and Panel #2
Panelists: Yoshifumi Kitamura, Naomi Yamashita, Takashi Ishida, Neha Kumar and Mark Billinghurst
Moderator: Koji Yatani
パネリスト:北村喜文,山下直美,石田隆,ネハ クマール,マーク ビリングハースト
17:00 – 17:45Lab tour
Interactive Content Design Lab / インタラクティブコンテンツ研究室
Interdisciplinary ICT Research Center for Cyber and Real Spaces / サイバー&リアルICT学際融合研究センター
Yoshifumi Kitamura / 北村喜文
17:45 – 18:00Break
18:00 – 20:00Poster presentations & reception
Location: 1st-floor Communication Space
Moderator: Yoshifumi Kitamura


Please register yourself from the following form.
